6 New Rules of Virtual Meetings
You’ve been attending virtual meetings for months, but now you might have to produce one yourself. Does that thought scare you?

Virtual Learning is NOT for everyone
With schools, universities and workplaces going virtual, there is an important principle I am not seeing addressed. I learned it the...

Meetings -- coming out of the stone ages?
"Teaching has survived the same way since the stone ages," recently stated one educational pundit. He went on to mention the changes...

Virtual Meetings are like...a Morning Show
Comparison of virtual meetings with morning shows.

Hybrid meetings are like...sports events
Hybrid meetings are changing in the new post-Covid world

Uber deals with the 5%
Many miss a big point of the new ridesharing focus. While they encroach on the taxi business, it seems ridesharing has uncovered a...

Learning is...not a "perfect" verb
Pardon the twist on proper grammar, but this expression points to a special weakness in some training programs. For years as I worked...

Learning is...How To Draw Lessons Out of Data
Are you drowning in data? Struggling to absorb it and make it useful? Here's a secret. Disfluency! Not the dictionary definition of...

Why Can't I Delete My Internet Posting?
Have you ever wondered why items place on the internet cannot be deleted? If you have, keep reading. In his book, "The Internet is NOT...

Learning is...knowing the secret to avoid burnout
A typical issue with learning professionals is burnout. Have you every experienced it? Then I have a story for you... There once was an...